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hvh circleMission

Haiti Village Health aims to provide sustainable health care for the Bas Limbe region in Haiti by employing local medical and support staff and providing them with the training, tools and support to allow them to be self-sufficient by 2015.


Haiti Village Health is dedicated to the provision of sustainable medical care and evidence based public health initiatives that improve the health of all members of the communities in the Bas Limbe region of Northern Haiti.

Our approach is to provide education and material support for medical staff and community health workers while meeting reasonable objectives and targets.  We aim to improve maternal and child health and reduce maternal, neonatal and child mortality in line with Millenium Development Goals.  

In addition to developing medical services, our organization strives to improve the social conditions in our target communities through improved sanitation and access to clean drinking water, improved education and nutrition, immunization protection for all children and strategies to reduce the incidence of malaria.

In pursuing its mission, HVH’s philosophy is to provide these services in a sustainable manner, encouraging self-sufficiency and working in collaboration with Haitian partners.


1. Provide outpatient medical care through a general medical clinic
2. Ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all households in the Bas Limbe region
3. Decrease childhood mortality
4. Improve maternal health

Copyright by Haiti Village Health 2012